Where we are 

Once in San Daniele take the regional road SR 463 (Pordenone - Gemona).

From the South (Pordenone), at the first traffic light, leaving the “Coop” on your right, turn left, and if you come from north (Gemona), at the second traffic light turn right. Shortly after, you will find the brown sign " Valeriana village ": follow the road for about 200 meters. Immediately before the entrance of the Agricultural Cooperative " CA " take the dirt road and you're there.


Agriturismo La Valeriana
Via Valeriana, 99
33038 - San Daniele del Friuli (Udine)

Tel +39 392 3100870 /  +39 366 2747982
Email: info@agriturismolavaleriana.it